Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Futsal Family

This photo may seem out of place here but I just feel like placing it anyway. This was shot after we took our Math 17 final exams. Honestly, I did not expect the test to be that easy; I was kind of expecting an exam which is a lot harder than what they gave us. On the bright side, I got a greater chance of passing the class many feared they would fail.

May I introduce to you my team, Black Pepper.(L-R) Morgan, our goalkeeper; Oh my god I forgot his name, let's just call him The Oblation Scholar; Renz, our star player; Louise, my sub; and Corina, our forward.

It's kind of  funny how I still had the time to smile and pose at the camera during this stressful game.

I love being silly with my coach, or shall I say my handsome coach. There is just something about him that makes him very attractive to everyone. Also, what is nice about him is that he can play around with his students.

These photos were taken I think before, during and after the championship games. Sadly, my team did not make it through semi-finals or I think even eliminations. Even if we did not get in, the other teams from our class did, our class can be called the Best Futsal Class of 1st Sem of AY 2011-2012. The champions of the two divisions (Saturday & Monday) are both from our class; they are White Sauce and Green Peas respectively. 

Our class may be the loudest, craziest and closest among the four futsal classes but we are not just that, for we definitely have the best players as well. It is amazing how we all fit in and play as a family unlike other PE classes.

(L-R) Nikki; Ryan; Renz; Mikee (on top); Maan; Me (on top); Hillary; Ana (on top); Stan; Kathryn; Margo; Jodel.

We just cannot get enough of ourselves. On my last day of classes, we all agreed to go out and have a bonding. This only proves that our friendship does not end with the semester.

My futsal family will always be the best group of my first semester in college.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New camera!!! My mom got home from Malaysia and brought, as expected, a Canon 60D with the 18-135mm lens. It came with a gorgeous red camera bag, a tripod, a lens pen, several lens filters, a memory card and two adorable miniature Canon video camera flash drives.

Out of excitement, my brother and I tried to take high definition videos with the 60D that same day. Since it was already dark that late afternoon and we have not mastered the settings of it yet, we decided to just take it the next day.

Morning of the following day, the sun was up and the village was quiet and peaceful; a perfect time to shoot for videos. Cheerah! We were successful and here is our final video.

It's our first so...

Anyway, here it is!!!  (It is okay to laugh, cause I always do, whenever I see this video)